primera parte: la historia de los tiempos y espacios clasicos
1 what is architectural history
2 proportional systems
Introduction: Two Kinds of Proportion
The subject of architectural proportional systems in the history of architecture, the topic of this special collection of essays in Architectural Histories, has long been characterized by a fundamental ambiguity: the word and concept of proportion simultaneously signify two unrelated and in some ways opposite meanings. Proportion can refer to ratios, or it can refer to architectural beauty. In this introduction to the papers that follow, Matthew A. Cohen proposes a simple clarification of this ambiguity as a framework for continued discussion of this subject: that whenever scholars use the word proportion, they specify whether they intend ‘proportion-as-ratio’ or ‘proportion-as-beauty’.
3 plinths, platforms, plateaus
In 1962, Jørn Utzon, the architect of the Sydney Opera House, published a short yet seminal essay titled “Platforms and Plateaus.” The text is an account of his fascination with the architecture of the platform, of which Utzon mentions a few examples, including the giant platforms in the Yucatán, the plinth upon which Old Delhi’s Jama Masjid sits, the floor of a traditional Chinese or Japanese house, and the mysterious architecture of Monte Albán in Mexico.
segunda parte: la invencion de lo clasico
4 de bramante a palladio
5 los referentes de la antiguedad
The Dome of the Rock, is located in the heart of the Old City and layered with the history, beliefs, and divisions of the three Abrahamic religions. Jerusalem takes audiences on an inspiring and breathtaking tour of one of the world's oldest and most enigmatic cities. Destroyed and rebuilt countless times over 5,000 years, Jerusalem's enduring appeal remains a mystery. What made it so important to so many different cultures? How did it become the center of the world for three major religions?
Hagia Sophia: Istanbul's Ancient Mystery | Full Documentary | NOVA | PBS
Whether serving as Christian church, Islamic mosque, or secular museum, Hagia Sophia and its soaring dome have inspired reverence and awe. For 800 years, it was the largest enclosed building in the world. How has it survived its location on one of the world's most active seismic faults, which has inflicted a dozen devastating earthquakes since it was built in 537?
6 invencion y evolucion de la seccion del estilo gotico
7 fortificaciones y ciudades ideales
The Trattato as Textbook: Francesco di Giorgio’s Vision for the Renaissance Architect
In fifteenth-century Italy, the architect’s role lacked definition. The classical conception of the architect — the distinguished professional lauded by Vitruvius and Cicero, as theoretically versed as he was technically skilled — had faded in the medieval period. Even the term ‘architectus’, with its powerful connotations of creation and authorship, had fallen out of use (Kostof 1977: 60–61). Furthermore, there was no standard of training or apprenticeship for the architect. Depending on the context, the engineer, carpenter, patron, or building administrator might be considered the building’s architect (Hollingsworth 1984: 385–410). On the role of the architect in the Italian Renaissance and the development of an architectural profession, see Ackerman 1991, Ettlinger 1977, and Wilkinson 1977. But beginning around 1400, numerous artists, scholars, and patrons began to express the need for an established architectural profession.
tercera parte: manifestaciones y contextos renacentistas
8 el incendio del borgo
9 el vestibulo de la biblioteca laurenziana
1O el palacio de carlos v